Tour at 6 pm CET
18:00 – 18:05
18:05 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:15
18:15 – 18:20
18:20 – 18.30
18.30 – 18.40
18.40 – 18:50
18:50 – 19:00
Welcome and thank you for flying in from all over the world!
Don’t get off the plane just yet, buckle up and we’ll take you on a sightseeing tour first.
Scale-up: what, why, where, when, who and how?
Flexibly build-up process lines to customer needs: how does that work exactly?
From start-up to scale-up in no time! The best advertising is done by satisfied customers, we’ll take you ‘live’ to another destination.
It is NOT all about fermentation at the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant! Our One-Stop-Shop principle showcased by means of the REHAP H2020 project.
Big projects, big risks! Got any references? Sure! ‘Live’ visit to another destination.
10min. to answer your most burning questions. Ask them now or later today during a pre-booked 1-on-1 slot with one of our Business Developers or Project Acquisition Managers.